Gallery - Available Works
I'm happy to ship anywhere you live! All prices are in Canadian dollars.
Deep Channel #1 |
Fertile Ground #47 |
Glass Bowl #3 |
Sylvan Village |
Uplift #5 |
Zephyr |
All Sorted |
Broken Dish #1 |
Bug #10 - Oak Gall Wasp |
Bug #4 - Six-Spotted Tiger Beetle |
Bug #7 - Spittlebug |
Bug #8 - Two-Spotted Ladybug |
Bug #9 - Cicada #3 |
Cardinal |
Diamond-Back |
Drawing from the Stones |
Escarpment #41 |
Forest Floor #1 - Tulip Tree |
Forest Floor #3 - Redbud |
In Pure Stone |
Sanctuary #2 |
Sentinel |
Studio Robins |
Trust |
Accidental |
Being Imagined #37 |
Bio Bubbles |
Daisy #2 |
Fire Stones |
Glass Vase #8 |
Iceberg #12 |
In the Garden #2 |
Sky High #1 |
Sky High #2 |
Woodland #2 |
Burning Heart #2 |
Chinquapin Oak Mandala |
Forester's Compass |
Regeneration |
Woven Woods - Day/Night |
Woven Woods - Leaf and Needle |
Woven Woods - Map |
Woven Woods - Seeds |
Woven Woods - Winter |